Monday, 30 June 2014

Postal shop listing for The New Cut 1840.

1840: the marriage of Queen Victoria to Prince Albert happens in this year, also the Penny Post and the world's first postage stamp, the Penny Black is brought in. Bearing in mind it was only twenty years or so beforehand that there was a windmill standing just off the New Cut (and the name for the famous pub in the area). The thing that strikes me about this street is the sheer number of dealers of furniture of various sorts. There must have been a market for them all but I'm curious as to why there are so many of them in one place for?

First Name Surname street number Profession

Royal Victoria Theatre.
James Lawrence 1 General Dealer
Samuel Seal 2 Glass & china dlr
Thomas Lawrence 3 General Dlr
Goldsmid & Solomon 4 Furniture brokers
John Page 5 General dlr
Alfred Long 6 Glass cutter
John Stringer 7 Furniture broker
David Solomon 8 Furniture broker
Richrd Lawrence 8 General dlr
Richrd Lawrence 9 General dlr
John Thomas 10 Furniture broker
James Lawrence 12 General dlr
Hny Hayward 13 Furniture broker
Hny Hayward 14 Furniture broker
Henry Fisk 16 Fixture broker
Henry Tubb 17 General dlr
Wisedill Cockett & Co 18 Ironmongers & stove & range manfctrs
Jno. Allison 19 Furniture broker
Jno. Allison 20 Furniture broker
Wm Church 21 Furniture broker
Richd Clifton 22 Furniture broker
Edward Dyer 23 General dealer
James Munting 24 General dealer
Abraham Crawcour 25 Furniture broker
Timothy Maher 27 Crown
Christopher Adcock 28 Surgeon
John Savidge 29 Window blind mnfctr
Lambert & Son 30 Brass founder
Robt. Stephens 32 Glass & c. dealer
Thomas Lawrence 34 General dlr
Wm Johnson 35 Furniture broker
John Court 37 Cooper
Jeremiah Thos Crawley 38 Wheelwright
Richd Grayden 39 Brush manufcturer
James Ball 40 Hair dresser
William Sutton 41 Butcher
David Barwell 42 Green grocer
Stephen Bland 43 Butcher
William Waters 44 Baker
Geo Judd 45 Oil & colourman
Geo Judd 56 Oil & colourman
Issac Levy 46 Clothes salesman
John Stephens 47 Ironmonger
William Edwards 48 Corn dealer
Benjamin Fleet 49 Fishmonger
Wm Hickinbotham 50 Pawnbroker
Charlotte Rae 52 Straw hat manfctr
George Jones 53 Grocer & c.
John Hes Jaques 54 Tobacconist & c
John Stretton 55 Pork butcher
Charles Paddon 57 Clothes dealer
Philip Sargent 59 Cheesemonger
Daniel Cornwell 60 Baker
Robert Jones 61 Linen draper
John Young 62 Windmill
Stephen Windebank 63 Grocer & c
Rice Davies 65 Greengrocer
James Whiley 66 Cheesemonger
JOhn Knighton 67 Baker
Geo. Umpelby 68 Boot & shoe maker
Wm Coles 69 Glass & china dlr
Ricd Van Scolina 70 Watch & c. mkr
John Legg 71 Butcher
Thomas A. King 72 Cheesemonger
William Bayfield 73 Pawnbroker
John William Peel 74 Engraver & c.
William Chandler 74 Linen draper
Robert Sawyer 75 General dealer
Wm Warboys 76 chymist & druggist
Elisha Knight 77 Oil & colourman
Thomas Allen 78 Hair dresser
Joseph Poole 79 Coffee rooms
Harriett Cummins 80 Stationer & c
John Cooper 82 Eating house