Tuesday 24 April 2012

Market traders' cries.

The traders' cries have only changed in the price and maybe the addition of new items to sell; apart from this, the cries of today are no different from these that were being bawled a hundred and fifty years ago:

Imagine if you will walking down the New Cut market in the 1880's taking in the smells and sights at night, yes at night, the market usually started on a Saturday night in it's early period; it was common for working class people to be paid early in the evening on a Saturday. Plus, for the people that lived round the area of the New Cut Market, they could catch a bargain as most Butchers and Bakers were offloading their end of day unsold wares at a cheaper price to people who didn't care or couldn't afford to care about the produce not being fresh.
Shellfish stalls would set up enticingly near pubs to attract the trade from these establishments; quack doctors and makeshift dentists would advertise their abilities to those brave enough; fortune tellers, organ grinders, 'cheapjack' sellers of 'Turkish Rhubarb' but better known as Dahlia tubers dyed with Saffron and other chancers  of a similar vein.

The shouts and cries of the traders would have had to be loud to get above the din:  

"Come on my dears, buy at your price tonight...new Mackeral, six a shilling...",
"Collar studs, a penny for two, two for a penny!"
"Sprats alive-o!"
"Muffins for tea!"

Compare the above from the Victorian period with some from the various markets in and around London; there's not much difference really:

Romford Market:

East Street Market:

Wembley Market:

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